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Paradigm Shift Under Pennsylvania Pastor Transforms Discipleship, Disciples

Church of God Ministries, in an article written by Carl Stagner, recently profiled the impact of the Learning Communities at New Song Community Church.

Article Excerpt:

Twenty-twenty will likely never be regarded as a good year by most historians. While all sectors of society dealt with the consequences of COVID-19, much of the church found ways to restructure, reimagine, and rededicate themselves to the simple mission of making more and better disciples. One Pennsylvania pastor and his Bethel Park congregation, just south of Pittsburgh, have found hindsight to be 20/20; three years ago, God meant for good that which appeared to be only harm. Three years ago, the disruption of the way things had been also spelled the dawning of a new day of discipleship at New Song Community Church. This new day opening the gates for a paradigm shift that would leave the relatively small Church of God congregation making big advances in personal and collective spiritual growth.